╩Scoring for the Casino Game is according to the common wagering scheme: You "pay" $52 to begin play, and you "win" $5 for each card played on the foundations.
The regular game is scored more like a video game, including a penalty for slow play. In the regular game, scores are accumulated as follows:
5 POINTS - Adding a card to the tableau, either by playing one from the deck or by turning over the top card of an uncovered column. Maximum: 220 points.
10 POINTS - Adding a card to the foundations, either from the deck or the tableau. Maximum: 520 points.
Maximum available: 735 points.
-2 POINTS - Every 15 seconds of elapsed time, while the Game Window is active.
-5 POINTS - Moving a single card from one column to another column when there are face-up cards under it.
-5 POINTS - Moving the top card from a foundation to the tableau.
-20 POINTS - Using the Show Aces function to uncover the face-down aces in the tableau.
-25 POINTS - Each pass through the deck after the first three passes, when turning up three cards at a time.
-100 POINTS - Each pass through the deck after the first pass, when turning up one card at a time.
In addition, a WINNING BONUS is calculated as follows:
[ ( End of Game score ) - ( 1 POINT per elapsed second ) ] times 10.
The game is won when all cards are face up in the tableau and foundations, with none remaining in the deck.
Since the maximum end of game score is 735 points (assuming you took no time to win the game!), the largest conceivable bonus is 7350 points. Total scores of over 6000 can actually be achieved.
The list of top scores in the scores window can be reset at any time. To reset the game count, hold down the option key when you click RESET.